You may have seen my quick informal math assessments for special education for grades K-8. Well now, get ready for the high school informal math assessments! These informal math assessments can be used every quarter, to monitor progress. Algebra-1 and Geometry are available now! Stay tuned for more assessments coming soon!
These assessments are aligned with Common Core Standards. There are 3 different assessments included in this one product (versions 1, 2, and 3). Each assessment is 2-3 pages long with 18-27 questions in total. These assessments will help you determine the average math abilities of your student in the areas of Algebra-1 and Geometry. (See the included directions below, for how to use these assessments).
Also included in these products:
- ANSWER KEYS for all assessments
- Teacher data recording/progress monitoring/tracking sheets
- Sample IEP goals for Algebra-1 & Geometry.
These assessments are most EFFECTIVE for: General Education Teachers, Resource Specialists, and Special Education Teachers. Great to use for progress monitoring, baseline data, IEP information, or to determine a student’s strengths and areas of concern in the subjects of Algebra-1 and Geometry.
Each math question on the assessment is related directly to Common Core Standards for accuracy and consistency.
What can you assess with these?
- Comprehension of Math Standards for Algebra-1 & Geometry
- Average strengths and areas of concern in the subjects of Algebra-1 & Geometry
- Math Accuracy
How to use these assessments:
Choose an assessment (version 1, 2, or 3) to give your student. Print the assessment and give it to your student. (Allow your student to have scratch paper). (NOTE: This is not a timed test but you may want to document when your student started and completed the assessment for data purposes.)
Watch your student complete the first 4 questions. If your student struggles with the first 4 questions, stop the assessment. Then allow your student to read through the remainder of the questions on the assessment. Tell your student to try their best and only attempt questions they are familiar with. (Although we want to challenge our students, we do not want them to hit their frustration point. Therefore, allow students to try only the familiar questions to keep them motivated).
If students can successfully complete at least 80% of the assessment, the teacher can assume that the student is proficient in the subject being assessed and can retain the information. However, if students get several questions incorrect, the teacher can use that data to determine the areas of strength and areas of concern.
Above all, use the data sheets provided as documentation for IEPs, progress monitoring, baseline data, etc.
To help pre-teach Algebra-1 Vocabulary, look in my store for Vocabulary for Algebra 1 to find vocabulary practice for Algebra 1 through crossword puzzles!
Looking for a different subject or a lower grade level? Check out these assessments for Grades K-8:
Special Education Math Assessments version 1 (Grades K-8), Special Education Math Assessments version 2 (Grades K-8), and Special Education Math Assessments version 3 (Grades K-8).
Want to assess it all in Reading, Writing, and Math for grades K-8?
Special Education Assessments BUNDLE K-8th for Reading, Writing, and Math
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